Jo Drury of Swimtime North Lancashire, recently helped to raise over £1,400 for charity by completing a charity sky dive for the Odd Balls Foundation, the testicular cancer charity. Jo was inspired to fundraise having heard the tragic story of a 10-year-old boy in her community who tragically passed away from the disease.

Having taken to the skies on 4th August, Jo was relieved to be safely back on the ground having completed the nail-biting adventure on a beautiful day.
Jo said: “It was an incredible experience to leap from a plane from over 10,000ft above Lancashire. I am so pleased we could contribute to this wonderful cause and raise awareness of the devastating impact testicular cancer can have on people.”

Rachel Brooks, Operations Director said: “Engaging in our communities is a core value to Swimtime and here at Central Office we are so proud of Jo for contributing to this worthy cause. Jo truly embodies what is means to be part of the Swimtime family.”
For more information on the Odd Balls Foundation please see their website