Swimtime Prepares to Take the International Stage

Thursday 21st November 2019 will be a momentous day in the story of the Swimtime franchise.

Thursday 21st November 2019 will be a momentous day in the story of the Swimtime franchise.

This is the day when Swimtime Managing Director, Theo Millward and Operations Director Rachel Brooks will travel to Amsterdam to present to the judging panel at the International Customer Experience (CX) Awards.

ICXA19 finalists

Swimtime has been shortlisted in the Digital Transformation category, competing against brands from across the globe including the likes of Shell, Turkish Airlines, HP inc, E.ON, Sky and Caterpillar. The team is currently putting the finishing touches to the presentation where Theo and Rachel will explain how the Swimcloud platform has transformed the customer experience for franchisees and customers.

Theo and Rachel can’t wait to meet the other finalists, judges, and event organisers. It’s a truly unique opportunity to learn how other brands are working to transform the customer experience.

There are 19 awards categories up for grabs and those attending can listen to their fellow nominees’ presentations before the winners are announced later in the day.

Swimtime wants to be renowned for delivering exceptional customer experience so the chance to learn from organisations that have also achieved success in this area is an exciting prospect.

Whatever the outcome on 21st November, there’s an exciting learning experience ahead. Learn more about the International Customer Experience Awards and our fellow nominees at www.internationalcxaward.com

Published by Swimtime: (updated: )